Customer Support
From our support site, you can find answers to common questions
Email Settings
Saapuvan postin asetukset (IMAP-protokolla)
Portti: 993
Suojaus: SSL/TLS
Todennus: Salasana
Lähtevän postin asetukset
Portti: 587 ( Porttia 25 voi käyttää ilman SuomiComin sähköpostilaatikkoa, mutta vain SuomiComin liittymissä )
Suojaus: STARTTLS ( Porttia 25 voi käyttää ilman suojausta, mutta sitä ei suositella )
Todennus: Salasana ( Portti 25 ei edellytä todennusta )
Other Information
We recommend using the IMAPS protocol if you read your email on multiple devices. In IMAPS, messages remain on the email server, whereas in POP3, messages are typically downloaded from the server to the local device.
The SMTP server supports user authentication (login) on the SSL-protected port 587. We recommend using this port primarily. Authentication allows you to send emails from networks other than SuomiCom's. Log in using your email account credentials. Email can only be sent without authentication from SuomiCom's broadband network when using SuomiCom's SMTP server for outgoing mail. These restrictions do not apply to Webmail, which works regardless of the operator.
In residential broadband connections, SMTP port 25 is closed to external networks for security reasons. If you are running an email server and need port 25 opened, please contact our customer service for more information! Contact here!
Servers and Ports
Saapuvan postin asetukset (IMAP-protokolla)
Portti: 993
Suojaus: SSL/TLS
Todennus: Salasana
Käyttäjätunnus: Sähköpostiosoitteesi
Lähtevän postin asetukset
Portti: 587
Todennus: Salasana
Käyttäjätunnus: Sähköpostiosoitteesi
Palvelin tukee myös porttia 465 SSL/TLS -protokollalla.
SuomiCom Resolver DNS Servers
IPv4 – –
IPv6 – 2a00:1190:53:1::1 – 2a00:1190:53:2::1
The DNS server addresses listed above can be used with all SuomiCom connections. These addresses are also distributed via DHCP for dynamic IP addresses.
SuomiCom Authoritative DNS Servers
SuomiCom’s name servers support DNSSEC validation. DNS server delegations are reported to the domain registrar. SuomiCom will set up name server delegations on behalf of the customer if the domain is registered through SuomiCom.
Business Internet Connections
The termination device is delivered in bridging mode, so it is recommended to install a firewall or router for internet connections. As an additional service, a virtual or physical Fortinet firewall is available.
For business connections, a static IP network is allocated to the customer, and the details are provided to the subscriber upon delivery of the connection.
Using the IP Address
To use the connection, the IP address must be configured on the device connected to SuomiCom’s termination device. A firewall or router is recommended as the device. The connection can also be tested directly on a computer before installing a firewall or router by assigning a static IP address to the connected computer. Here are the instructions for a Windows computer:
Right-click the network icon and select "Open Network and Internet Settings." Click "Change adapter settings." Double-click the Ethernet adapter. Double-click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)." Enter the allocated IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for your connection. Also, add SuomiCom’s DNS server IP addresses ( and and click "OK." Click "Properties".
Consumer Connections
For ADSL, VDSL2, and property connections, the DHCP server automatically assigns a dynamic IP address to the connection. A static IP address may also be available upon request through our customer service. Static IP addresses are not distributed via DHCP; instead, the address must be configured manually on the network device.
Number of IP Addresses
Traditional IPv4 addresses are running out due to the explosive global growth of devices connected to the internet, and older addresses will be replaced in the future by the next generation IPv6 addresses. Thanks to the new protocol, there are enough addresses for every device connected to the internet worldwide.
Old IPv4 addresses (e.g., are 32 bits in length, so there are about four billion public IP addresses available on the global internet. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long, so the address space encompasses over 340 sextillion IPv6 addresses!
Identifying IPv6 Addresses
An IPv6 address is identified by its format, which consists of eight 16-bit hexadecimal groups separated by colons (:). For example, the address 2a00:1190:0001:0002:0003:0000:0000 is an IPv6 address. Leading zeros in each group can be omitted, and contiguous groups of zeros can be shortened with a double colon (::) in one place in the address. For example, the address 2a00:1190:0001:0002:0003:0000:0000 can be shortened to 2a00:1190:1:2:3::ffff.
SuomiCom and IPv6
SuomiCom participated in the national IPv6 adoption day on June 9, 2015, so IPv6 is available for all SuomiCom connections. In some areas and with certain broadband technologies, there are technical limitations, and IPv6 support cannot be provided. In an IPv6-supported connection, both the old IPv4 and the new IPv6 address are assigned in a dual-stack manner, meaning the IPv6 address is provided alongside the IPv4 address to the network device. IPv6 addresses are thus available when, for example, a website or service supports it.
The global transition to IPv6 addresses will occur gradually over the coming years, and individual internet users may not see any immediate changes. However, it is good to have IPv6 support because, if internet services in the future transition exclusively to IPv6 networks, the service will be accessible from an IPv6-supported connection.
Using IPv6 Addresses
In bridged connections, individual IPv6 addresses are available via the DHCPv6 protocol. If the connection uses an IPv6-supported router, a unique IPv6 prefix is also assigned to the connection via Prefix Delegation (DHCPv6 PD). The delegated prefix is /56 in size. Prefix Delegation replaces the NAT address translation familiar from IPv4. Address translation is unnecessary because there are enough addresses in the IPv6 address space for every device on the local network.
In IPv6-supported connections, it is possible to obtain a static prefix. This applies to both home broadband connections and PRO business connections (including SHDSL and Fiber), where IP addresses are not normally assigned dynamically. The prefixes provided are /48 in size, with the final /64 used for link network addresses. Mainly, the /48 prefix is customer-specific and intended for use across all the customer's connections. The /48 prefix can be divided into smaller prefixes (such as /52, /56, /60) depending on the number of connections.
Test if your device is IPv6-compatible and if it has received an IPv6 address in the SuomiCom network using the IPv6 test.
SuomiCom Supports E-Invoicing
Choosing e-invoicing is recommended as it is a cost-effective, fast, and environmentally friendly* alternative to traditional paper invoices. With e-invoices, account and reference details are already filled in, making payment confirmation quick and easy.
E-invoices are delivered electronically to your online bank, and no delivery fees are charged. E-invoices can be received and paid from anywhere, so they won’t cause issues during extended vacations, for example.
You can request email or SMS notifications from your bank when you receive an e-invoice. You can also agree with your bank on the method of payment for e-invoices, ranging from manual payment confirmations to automated payments.
* E-invoicing is environmentally friendly as it saves paper, envelopes, and ink compared to traditional paper mail. E-invoices do not need to be printed, saving energy on printing. E-invoices also do not generate waste, making their use an environmentally responsible choice.
Creating an E-Invoice Agreement
1. Log in to your online banking and look for “Create e-invoice agreement” in the menu or search for “e-invoice”.
2. Search for the invoicer by the name “SuomiCom” or “Suomi Communications Oy”.
3. Fill in the required information for the agreement, such as your SuomiCom customer number.
From now on, SuomiCom invoices will arrive in your online banking. Please verify the details filled in for the e-invoice agreement if e-invoicing does not work. The customer number can be found on the previous invoice or you can also ask for it from our customer service.
Bank Instructions for Setting Up E-Invoicing
You can check the instructions for setting up an e-invoice agreement from the following banks:
Danske Bank
Alisa Pankki
POP Pankki
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