Backup Connection – Redundancy with 4G

Our lightest backup solution protects against cable cuts, while our most robust backup service ensures comprehensive protection, making it suitable for even the most demanding customers.

Redundancy with 4G or fiber optics

Wireless or another cable route

Backup connection is activated in case of failure

Available with 5G connection

Dual operator redundancy

Backup connection activates without delay

Varayhteys - kahdennettu varmennus langattomalla 4G yhteydellä tai toisella fyysisellä reitillä

Business Continuity with a Redundant Connection

SuomiCom’s business customer connections and backbone network are built with high-quality market-leading equipment, and our delivery processes have been refined to excellence over the years. As a result, our connections typically operate without interruption throughout the contract period. However, the criticality of Internet connections has significantly increased over the years as services have moved from customers' own hardware to the cloud. For many companies, operations halt if the Internet connection fails. Therefore, it is wise for a company to acquire a backup connection service as an insurance for their business, ensuring that operations continue smoothly even during Internet connection failures.

Wireless 4G or Another Physical Route?

Ensure your business continuity with a fixed or mobile 4G LTE backup connection. A fiber connection can be secured with another fiber connection that takes a different route or with a 4G connection. The fixed IP addresses of the customer's primary connection also work through the backup connection in case of a failure. In more robust backup solutions, we obtain dedicated IP addresses for the customer and implement the backup connection with BGP routing as a dual-operator solution.

SuomiCom toimittaa valokuituliittymiä ympäri Suomea

Service level agreement tailored to customer needs

SuomiCom's business internet broadband connections come with the most comprehensive service promise in the market by default, with a target repair time of six hours. SuomiCom's service promise holds, and the customer can reach a network expert who ensures customer satisfaction if needed. SuomiCom has received special praise for its non-congested and expert customer service.

Market-leading availability:


Palvelutasotaulukko listaa eri palvelutasosopimukset, palveluajat, vasteaikatavoitteet ja korjausaikatavoitteet.

The service level (SLA) of the internet connection can be tailored to suit your needs.

Routes to the World

SuomiCom specializes in high-capacity fiber optic connections for businesses and housing associations. SuomiCom provides internet connections and corporate networks nationwide, as well as branch office connections to other countries. Traffic is routed through SuomiCom's backbone network, offering direct routes to the world and enabling low latency internet connections.

SuomiCom is a member of Finnish exchange points, such as FICIX and TREX Tampere Region Exchange Oy. SuomiCom represents a significant portion of the traffic of Finland's backbone node FICIX.

SuomiComin runkoverkko takaa nopeat reitit maailmalle ja matalimman latenssin

Why Choose SuomiCom?

We are the first operator in Finland to sign traffic exchange agreements with all three major cloud service providers (Microsoft, Google, and Amazon). Traffic is exchanged in Finland, resulting in a latency of only about one millisecond from SuomiCom's network to these three networks. This benefits customers using the cloud services of these three providers in particular.

SuomiCom continually develops the production environment of broadband and fiber connections to be more energy-efficient. Our total energy consumption in the broadband production environment has decreased for several years thanks to solutions implemented in corporate networks and data centers. We now offer more speed with less electricity consumption.


SuomiCom is one of Finland's most significant traffic carriers

The RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre) published its latest report on the state of the internet in the Nordics in December 2022. Among Finland's largest internet service providers, one traffic carrier stands out: SuomiCom. According to the report, SuomiCom is particularly known as a business operator connecting a significant number of other Finnish networks. This makes it one of the most important traffic carriers in Finland, enabling a wide range of routes...

Customer Experiences Speak for Themselves

Join our network, among thousands.

Mika R.

"The installation went very well, and your installer was extremely customer-oriented, pleasant, and professional. Our cooperation started very well, and we look forward to a hopefully long-lasting partnership."

Timo K.

"I have to point out that your guy was very knowledgeable, polite, and quick. The job was done swiftly, the installer covered everything thoroughly, and we are very satisfied with the change!"

Maria L.

"The representative reviewed all our needs with me, and we managed to build a package that suited us perfectly. The delivery went smoothly, and we avoided any interruptions, so I must be satisfied as I can focus on actual work."

Backup Connection Service Options

We offer three levels of backup connection services. The lightest solution provides protection against cable cuts, while the most robust service ensures comprehensive backup, suitable for the most demanding customers. Below are the details of the differences between the backup connection services.

4G Backup Connection

Route Verification: Mobile network or fiber connection via a different route

Operation Logic: Traffic occurs through the primary connection, and switches to the backup in case of failure (Hot standby)

  • Service Level: SLA1 (customizable)
  • The same IP network works on the backup connection as on the primary connection
Redundancy with Duplicated Equipment

Route Verification: Mobile network or fiber connection via a different route

Operation Logic: Traffic occurs through the primary connection, and switches to the backup in case of failure (Hot standby)

  • Service Level: SLA1 (customizable)
  • Equipment redundancy
  • The backup connection can be geographically located in a different area
  • The same IP network works on the backup connection as on the primary connection
Dual Operator Redundancy

Route Verification: Fiber connection via a different physical route from another operator

Operation Logic: Traffic occurs continuously through both connections (Load balanced)

  • Service Level: SLA1 (customizable)
  • Equipment redundancy
  • The backup connection can be geographically located in a different area
  • Operator-verified and operator-independent solution
  • Uses the customer's own PA IP network. The customer must have their own AS number.

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